6 things you should never say in an interview

Published date: February 10, 2020

Congratulations, you have been invited to a job interview! Now it’s time to show your knowledge, personality and how much you understand about the role you have applied for.

First impressions are key to being successful so I’ve put together 6 top tips to help you shine. Here’s what not to say…

1. “Sorry I’m late”

Make sure you know the journey and allow plenty of time and aim to get to your destination 10 minutes before your interview starts. Traffic is a huge enemy so if you’re going to be late, make sure you know who to call and explain that you’ll be there as soon as you can.

2. “What’s the job title again?”

This shows a lack of interest and research. Companies don’t tend to want to hire people who are not passionate about what they’ve applied for.

3. “I really need this job”

This could come across desperate and not for the right reasons. Instead, show that you’re passionate and excited about the opportunity to work for them.

4. “I haven’t got any questions”

This could look like you haven’t fully prepared for the interview. Of course, you might have covered everything in detail already but it shows interest in the job if you have some questions… just not too many!

5. “I’m a perfectionist”

Let’s be honest, we all hate being asked about our weaknesses but interviewers will often see straight through this answer. Be honest and explain how you’re trying to improve – even if it means that you’re not the best team-worker or struggle with time management.

6. “I didn’t get on with my previous manager”

This could come across petty and professionally immature. Instead, you may want to explain that you and your previous manager didn’t always agree and while you felt it was important to view your opinions, you ultimately respected their decision.